Saturday, September 18, 2010

Legend of the Guardians


Parents were over heard leaving the theater saying "A little dark for a kids movie, don't you think?" Yes, yes I do. To that I say 'Yay!' But dark or not, the throngs of tiny little movie goers were uncharacteristically quiet for the duration of the advance screening of Legend of the Guardians this morning, and as an avid movie goer there is no greater joy than a silent child. I was delighted that this well paced Owl adventure kept them captivated for the entire hour and a half. I've not read the books, so as with most of the trendy book-to-movie films, I fly in blind to the story. Which was a non issue as its not the most original 'rise of the hero' story line, however the stunningly realistic animation coupled with the not so in-your-face incidental 3D and aforementioned well paced story made for an entertaining film for kids of all ages and as an up side there are few sickeningly sweet movie moments than the trailers would lead you to believe, though by the makers of Happy Feet, this Owls world is filled with kidnapping, brainwashing, enslavement, malevolent evil and brutal armored taloned battles. Again I say 'Yay!' Normally I'm dickishly critical of films like this, but maybe its the Secret of Nimh fan in me, but surprisingly I'm recommending this one with some enthusiasm.


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