Premieres and marathons including the first-ever global simulcast celebrating the iconic series
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor
An Adventure in Space and Time
The Science of Doctor Who with Brian Cox
Matt Smith and David Tennant guests on The Graham Norton Show
Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS
Doctor Who Explained
Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited –The Eleventh Doctor
New York – November 8, 2013 – BBC AMERICA is the #1 destination in the U.S. for a year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of global phenomenon Doctor Who. On November 23, 1963, a Time Lord known as the Doctor landed on the BBC’s airwaves, forever changing storytelling on television and how the world viewed the inside of a British police box. In honoring the legacy of the longest-running and most successful sci-fi series in history, BBC AMERICA presents new programming dedicated to the iconic series, culminating in a groundbreaking television event – the global simulcast to more than 75 countries of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary special, Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor on November 23. Written by lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat (Sherlock), the special stars the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith (How to Catch a Monster), the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant (Broadchurch), companion Jenna Coleman (Dancing on the Edge), with Billie Piper (Secret Diary of a Call Girl) and John Hurt (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Alien). The global simulcast will air Saturday, November 23 at 2:50pm ET. BBC AMERICA will encore the special in primetime at 7:00pm ET with exclusive Inside Looks with Matt Smith and David Tennant.
Announced today, BBC AMERICA will present a week-long Doctor Who Takeover starting Monday, November 18, at 9:00am ET with marathons of favorite Doctors leading into new specials including a look into the science behind the iconic series with rock star-turned-physicist Professor Brian Cox (Wonders of the Universe, Wonders of the Solar System). The primetime specials will roll out throughout the week with Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS premiering Monday,November 18, 9:00pm ET followed by The Science of Doctor Who with Brian Cox at 10:00pm ET, Doctor Who Explained on Friday, November 22, 8:00pm ET, and a look back at Matt Smith’s time on the iconic series, Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited –The Eleventh Doctor on Sunday, November 24, 8:00pm ET.
In addition, BBC AMERICA will premiere the new film An Adventure in Space and Time on Friday, November 22, 9:00pm ET. FromSherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss and directed by Terry McDonough (Breaking Bad), the film starring David Bradley (Game of Thrones,Broadchurch), Jessica Raine (Call the Midwife), Sacha Dhawan (After Earth) and Brian Cox (The Bourne Identity, X2: X-Men United)tells the story of the genesis of Doctor Who and the unlikely production team behind the series.
About Doctor Who:
Doctor Who follows the Doctor, an alien from the planet Gallifrey, the last of the powerful Time Lords, on his adventures through all of space and time. Traveling in the TARDIS, the time machine resembling a vintage British blue police box that is bigger on the inside, the Doctor almost always side-steps danger armed only with his incredible intelligence and fix-anything sonic screwdriver. The Doctor routinely cheats death by regenerating – changing into a new, fresh body. Eleven actors have starred in the iconic role. First played by William Hartnell, the Doctor was portrayed by seven actors before the series went off the air in 1989, including Tom Baker, who held the role the longest, from 1974-1981. After being off the air for seven years, the Doctor regenerated again in a 1996 TV movie.
When Doctor Who returned to television with a new lead writer and executive producer, Russell T Davies, in 2005, the title character once again had a new face. The series was resurrected with Christopher Eccleston (Thor: The Dark World, Heroes) as the Doctor, and Billie Piper as his companion Rose. David Tennant took on the role in 2006. In 2010, Steven Moffat (Sherlock, Coupling) became lead writer and executive producer while Matt Smith, made his first appearance as the Doctor – the youngest actor ever to play the character. He is the first actor to be nominated for a BAFTA Award in the role. Last season Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) became his companion, the impossible girl who routinely appears when he needs the most help. The thrilling season finale ended on a cliffhanger with the closing shot saying “Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor.”
Matt Smith will hang up his bow tie at the end of this year after starring in the 50th Anniversary special and regenerating in the Christmas special. Having starred alongside companions, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan, Guardians of the Galaxy), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill,Broadchurch), River Song (Alex Kingston, NCIS, ER) and most recently Clara Oswald, Matt's Doctor has fought Daleks (mutated beings encased in a metal shell and bent on destruction) and Cybermen (humans who have been upgraded to soulless metal robots) as well as Weeping Angels (frightening creatures that are erased from memory the moment someone looks away) in New York. Regularly heard shouting 'run' and 'Geronimo', through Matt's Doctor fans have been introduced to a new culinary combination – fish fingers and custard.
Earlier this year, Doctor Who won an Institutional Peabody Award. The series is BBC AMERICA’s highest-rated series and is one of the most talked about shows in social media.
Doctor Who Takeover Schedule:
Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Marathon – 9:00am – 9:00pm ET
The First through Tenth Doctor
U.S. Premiere
Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS – 9:00 –10:00pm ET
U.S. Premiere
The Science of Doctor Who with Brian Cox – 10:00–11:00pm ET
Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Marathon – 10:00am –11:00pm ET
Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor Marathon – 2:00am –11:00pm ET
Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Marathon Part I – 9:00am – 11:00pm ET
The Eleventh Doctor – Matt Smith
Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Marathon Part 2 – 9:00am – 8:00pm ET
The Eleventh Doctor – Matt Smith
U.S. Premiere
Doctor Who Explained – 8:00pm – 9:00pm ET
U.S. Premiere
An Adventure in Space and Time – 9:00pm ET
What do you get when you mix C.S. Lewis with H.G. Wells, and sprinkle in a bit of Father Christmas? An alien Time Lord exploring space and time in a Police Box spaceship called the “TARDIS” (Time And Relative Dimension in Space). Written by Mark Gatiss, the BBC AMERICA co-production, the film stars David Bradley (the First Doctor, William Hartnell), Brian Cox (BBC Head of Drama, Sydney Newman), Jessica Raine (Producer, Verity Lambert) and Sacha Dhawan(Director, Waris Hussein). An unlikely trio of misfits set out to create a genre series that all ages would love. William ‘Bill’ Hartnell, displeased with his career, was presented with a chance to break out of the hard-man roles he’d become known for. And with the instincts of first time producer, Verity Lambert and first time director, Waris Hussein, the Doctor was born. As the success of the show grew, William went from unhappy curmudgeon to beloved television star who relished his career resurgence and found a new lease on life. But all good things come to an end. How will Bill face leaving behind the part that has made him a hero to millions of children? And can the show survive without him? Journey back fifty years through space and time to witness the exciting beginning and untimely end of the First Doctor in this touching drama.
Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Marathon Part 3 – 1:00am – 2:00pm ET
The Eleventh Doctor – Matt Smith
World Premiere
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor – Global Simulcast – 2:50pm ET
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor encore primetime broadcast – 7:00pm ET. BBC AMERICA will premiere exclusive Inside Lookinterviews with Matt Smith and David Tennant during the broadcast. The special will be followed by the premiere of new fantasy-adventure series Atlantis at 9:00pm ET.
U.S. Premiere
The Graham Norton Show with guests Matt Smith and David Tennant – 10:00pm ET
Doctor Who stars Matt Smith and David Tennant make their first appearance together on BBC AMERICA’s hit talk showThe Graham Norton Show. Emma Thompson, singer Robbie Williams and comedian Jimmy Carr will also be guests.
Doctor Who – Matt Smith Countdown – 9:00am – 8:00pm ET
BBC AMERICA counts down the top 11 episodes from the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, as voted on by fans.
U.S. Premiere
Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited –The Eleventh Doctor – 8:00pm –10:30pm ET
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